30 Characteristics of New Wave Apostolic Leaders | Part 2

30 Characteristics of New Wave Apostolic Leaders | Part 2

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In this second part we focus on 15 additional Characteristics of New Wave Apostolic Leaders.

  1. They seek to eradicate philosophies of this world out of the doctrine and life of the church. They desire a pure expression of truth to flow in the house of God. Opinions aren’t tolerated as all teaching and preaching must be solidly grounded in the Word of God. Doctrines of men and doctrines of devils are dealt with accordingly through their ministry.
  2. They aren’t afraid to break free from tradition to obey the leading of the Spirit. They refuse to follow protocol when Holy Spirit is leading in another direction. The will of God always trumps what we’re comfortable with.
  3. They seek divine strategies to creatively solve human problems from heavenly perspective. They also seek divine strategies to bring fulfillment to divine vision. Wisdom from above is the principal thing.
  4. They cross pollinate in their personal relationships as well as in ministry settings, ministering in different streams of the body of Christ as well as receiving ministers in their churches who may have different gifts or perspectives. They embrace diversity in the body of Christ and seek to walk in unity despite some differences.
  5. They treat each relationship uniquely and will adapt accordingly to give, to share or to receive depending on the grace and maturity of people they relate with. They understand relationships change because people change. And therefore they make adjustments in relationships to maintain a healthy expression of Christ among them.
  6. They don’t shy away from people who have been through challenging circumstances, knowing the grace of God enables broken people to be restored. They don’t hold the past over the heads of people who want to move forward in life. And because of this love and mercy extended to broken people and ministers, they provide a safe place to rebound in life, get back on track and launch forward into their destiny.
  7. They pronounce apostolic judgment on the religious system that has entangled so many of God’s people. They love people but hate the religious spirit that binds God’s people in religious formulas and circles. They bring freedom to these people by directly addressing the thought processes and actions that stem from this religious spirit. They don’t play religious games or make people jump through religious hoops to be accepted. They treat people respectfully and don’t show favoritism based on carnal factors.
  8. They have a grace on their lives to gather people who have a strong desire for healthy relationship and divine alignment. They have an ability to stir up and activate gifts in people that have been suppressed as well as gifts yet to be discovered. The apostolic draw to their ministries is apparent by the number of people who are led to disconnect from dysfunctional church systems and to connect with these Apostolic Leaders. People are hungry for the real thing and they find it in environments that are developed by these leaders for the purpose of restoration and development for divine purpose.
  9. These leaders don’t need the praise of men to keep motivated nor do they stop doing what they’re doing because of persecution. They aren’t driven by a religious pursuit to be seen or heard. They are led by the Spirit to see the Kingdom of God advance in their region. They aren’t looking to people for validation. They just want to please the Father who sent them. They don’t care that some oppose them. They just interpret this as confirmation that they’re doing the right thing.
  10. They refuse to compromise what they’ve been commissioned to do because of personal comfort or convenience. They consider it an honor to live as a living sacrifice so the Kingdom of God can manifest in the lives of those they minister to. They’re determined to be spent for those they love.
  11. They never tell people to do what they’re unwilling to do. They’re on the front line of the battle to be an example to others. They only delegate what they don’t have time to do and what others are capable of accomplishing.
  12. They don’t compete with others because they aren’t looking for the praise of men. They seek to walk in completion of others, knowing their need for others and that others need them. It’s not a numbers game with them. They just want to see the Kingdom advance in their region, whether God uses them or others to accomplish that.
  13. They have nothing to prove to others. They just want to be found faithful in God’s eyes. They don’t seek to impress others with their accomplishments or knowledge or who they know. These are all carnal things they consider worthless in the advance of the Kingdom of God. And they refuse to allow others to pull them into religious, competitive thinking and adolescent behavior.
  14. They capitalize on crisis by looking to God in the midst of difficulty. They know God will cause all things to work out for their good if they trust and obey in the midst of the storm. They even thrive during times of persecution, choosing to remain steadfast in their assignment. They refuse to allow fear to hinder their movement and also refuse to respond in the flesh. They love their enemies aggressively in hope that God will win them over.
  15. They live a lifestyle of repentance, recognizing when they fail and owning up to mistakes. They also continue to surrender their thoughts and ways to God for heavenly upgrade so they can continue to learn, grow and be used by the Lord in increasing measure.

Guestwriter’s Bio

Bo Salisbury ministers in the US and around the world, strengthening churches and encouraging leaders to break through every limitation that hinders the advancement of God’s Kingdom in the earth. He has a passion for reform and unity in the body of Christ, and his ministry is characterized by apostolic teaching with signs and wonders following.

In addition to speaking, Bo is an author, songwriter/producer and leads Kingdom Culture Exchange, a leadership network consisting of a diverse group of 5-fold leaders around the world. He also leads a school of ministry for leaders: Kingdom Culture Institute. He lives in Uniontown, Ohio. For more info go to www.kingdomcultureexange.com