Many Christians are confused about their calling because prophets have prophesied a five-fold office over their lives for which they are not actually called. Since they are not called to it, no doors open, and there is no fruit in that area.
What’s worse is that it’s not only prophets who spread these kinds of prophecies; there are also many apostles who do the same thing. Not only do they prophesy, but they go one step further: they appoint people to offices for which they are not called at all. I call them goofy prophets and blind apostles. They see things that aren’t there at all.
The reason this happens is not just due to a lack of knowledge but also due to a desire for popularity or political reasons. Apostles and prophets with political motives prophesy and appoint people to bind them to themselves.
Dear brothers and sisters, do not attend meetings led by lone ranger prophets (prophets are called to minister in teams, as 1 Corinthians 14:29 says). If you receive these types of weighty prophecies outside the local church you are part of, it is important to have them tested by other prophets and the leadership of the church to which you belong.
Apostles and prophets must understand that just because people bear certain fruits associated with certain offices, it does not mean they hold the office itself. They bear these fruits because they have received an impartation from these offices. That’s why these people are not apostles but apostolic, not prophets but prophetic, not pastors but pastoral, and not evangelists but evangelistic.
When you hold an office, you are a root ministry. As a believer, you are a fruit ministry. The fruits of these offices are evident in your life because you function under these offices and, by doing so, you receive from them.
Apostles and prophets should be able to discern the difference!
How do you know that you are called tot the 5 fold?
- Inner Conviction and Passion
Strong Desire: You may have a deep, unshakable desire to serve in a specific area of ministry. This passion often feels like a burning within you that compels you to pursue this calling, even when it’s challenging. This inner conviction is often accompanied by a sense of peace and purpose.
- Confirmation from Others
Affirmation from Leaders and Peers: Often, those around you will recognize your gifts and confirm your calling. They might encourage you to step into a specific role because they see the anointing on your life.
- Fruitfulness in Ministry
Effective Ministry: When you operate in the role you feel called to, there tends to be clear evidence of God’s work through you. This could be seen in changed lives, growth in the church, or a strong anointing that accompanies your ministry efforts. The fruit you bear can be a significant indicator of your calling.
- Persistent Burden for God’s Work
Ongoing Concern for the Church: You may find yourself deeply burdened for the well-being of the church and its members. This burden can manifest as a concern for teaching sound doctrine (teacher), building up and guiding the church (apostle), leading people to Christ (evangelist), shepherding a congregation (pastor), or delivering God’s messages (prophet).
- Supernatural Encounters or Guidance
Divine Encounters: Some individuals experience a clear, supernatural calling, such as through dreams, visions, or a direct word from God. While not everyone will have such experiences, those who do often find them to be unmistakable confirmations of their calling to the five-fold ministry.
These signs, especially when they align with each other, can help you discern whether you are being called to one of these vital roles in ministry. It’s also important to seek God in prayer and stay sensitive to His leading, as He will guide you in understanding and fulfilling your calling.
- Growth in Spiritual Gifts
Development of Specific Gifts: You may notice a significant growth in specific spiritual gifts, such as teaching, prophecy, leadership, or evangelism. These gifts often align with one of the five-fold ministries, and their consistent development over time can be an indication of your calling.
- Unusual Opportunities to Serve
Doors Open for Ministry: You may find that opportunities to serve in ministry roles, such as preaching, teaching, or leading, arise unexpectedly and frequently. These open doors can be God’s way of directing you toward your calling, especially if they consistently align with one of the five-fold offices.
- Endurance Through Trials
Strength in Adversity: Those called to ministry often go through significant trials and challenges, but they experience God’s grace and strength to endure. This endurance can be a sign that God is preparing and refining you for the responsibilities of ministry, developing the character needed for such a role.
- Deep Compassion for People
Heart for Others: You may feel a profound compassion for people, especially for their spiritual growth and well-being. This deep concern often translates into a desire to guide, teach, or shepherd others, which aligns with the roles within the five-fold ministry. Your empathy and love for others can be a strong indicator of a pastoral or teaching calling.
- Clarity in Vision and Direction
Sense of Mission: You might have a clear and compelling vision for what God wants to accomplish through you. This sense of direction often involves a specific mission or purpose that aligns with the broader goals of the church, such as planting churches, or other pioneering projects (apostolic), bringing revival (evangelistic), or equipping believers (teaching). This clarity of purpose can be a powerful confirmation of your calling.