Is it wisdom or fear?

Is it wisdom or fear?

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A majestic lion stands at the edge of a cliff surveying his kingdom below in an image about leadership, dominance and power.

Sometimes leaders or ministers have certain opinions about certain topics or situations but will not always share them because they are afraid of being cancelled (specifically when it goes against the mainstream). Some are influenced by a political spirit and value people’s opinions over God’s.

While some may argue that it’s wise not to share certain things, and in some cases, they are right (and sometimes its not your place to say something)—but in many situations, it’s not about wisdom at all but about cowardice! It is being afraid of the consequences, afraid off being rejected. If you are a leader or minister and you want to make a difference you have to overcome this spirit of intimidation.

6 things:

  1. Speak out when the Holy Spirit leads you, and don’t be muzzled.
  2. Know that if you stand for something, you will always be canceled by someone, this also happened to Jesus. But if you are afraid of that, you are not ready to be a Voice yet.
  3. Understand that if some people cancel you, your life and your ministry continues, it is God who has called you, not people.
  4. Church, can we Agree that we can also Disagree! This is called maturity (I am not talking about the fundamentals of faith).
  5. The scripture below speaks even about ‘leading men’ who were afraid to speak out. In the same way there are now ‘leading men’ in the kingdom who do not speak out. We and they often label themselves as wise, but is that always the case? No, sometimes it has to do with fear.
  6. If you are quick in canceling others, you may be functioning under a Pharisee spirit.

John 12:42

Nevertheless, even many of the leading men believed in Him [as Savior and Messiah], but because of the Pharisees they would not confess it, for fear that [if they acknowledged Him openly] they would be put out of the synagogue (excommunicated).