The church doesn’t need more ‘Glory Prophets’ who only focus on talking about glory and having fun and cool meetings.
It’s also not anticipating more ‘Pastoral (dutch) Prophets’ who solely emphasize love and God as daddy (by the way, God is more than your daddy; He is your Father not your buddy, which is a big difference).
Matthew 6:9-13 …Our Father in heaven,
The church is also not waiting for ‘Silence Prophets’ who never raise their voices because they have still not overcome the spirit of intimidation and rejection or they do not understand fully their function (prophets do not only encourage but they also bring direction and correction when needed, Revelation 2).
We are also not waiting for ‘Goofy Prophets’. You see a lot, experience a lot, feel a lot but it is always vague and mystical (what is the message?).
And what the church does not need at all are ‘Lone Ranger, Witchcraft or False Prophets’ who operate either from a broken heart, wrong spirit or from a wrong motive.
Instead, the church eagerly awaits more ‘Building Prophets’ who are firmly rooted in the local church and God’s word, and who help build strong local churches and people through impact preaching and sound teaching.
We need ‘Holy and Pure Prophets’ who are not selfish and have a heart for God, His Kingdom and want to see people grow and prosper rather than their own ministry.
The church is also looking for ‘Bold Prophets’ who speak the truth, address issues when necessary and who also speak about the fear of the Lord, righteousness and justice. They do this because they understand that God is more than only a caring Father, He is also a Holy and Righteous Judge and it is the fear of the Lord that keeps the church holy.
2 Corinthians 7:1, Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
This is why prophets need apostles. Apostles help prophets understand their role in the kingdom and they help prophets to be rooted in God’s word (apostles are first in equipping the 5-fold).
They also provide support for their mental and emotional well-being and they help prophets gain a broader perspective and see the big picture of what God is doing in His Kingdom.
Apostles also help prophets to be down-to-earth, relevant and organised (act normal, talk normal and don’t be so chaotic and over-spiritual).
They also have the ability to equip prophets when it comes to the development of their ‘teaching expression’ (prophets your first responsibility is equipping the saints).
Prophets need to be connected to apostles because without them they have a tendency to become flaykey and they can never come to a place of maturity. Their ministry will lack depth, weight and impact!
Mature and Kingdom Prophets Arise!