Let us all grow in understanding the Lord’s timing!

Let us all grow in understanding the Lord’s timing!

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When prophets foretold that Trump would serve as president twice, and this did not immediately happen, many of them faced criticism. Now, that Trump indeed become president for a second time, we see that many of these prophets were, in fact, correct. However, we must also acknowledge that many did not foresee the time gap between the two terms.

But let us not be overly critical of this, as the church often faces similar misunderstandings. This often happens in two ways:

Personal Prophecy: How often does someone receive a word and expect it to come to pass quickly, only to find that, in practice, it takes much longer than anticipated?

Biblical Prophecy: Sometimes, people assume that certain biblical prophecies are yet to be fulfilled, though they may already have been fulfilled.

How can we mature in discerning the timing of these two distinct kinds of prophecy? 3 keys:

1. When it come to personal prophesy do understand that there is always a process

Personal prophecy often speaks about unique callings, future opportunities, or specific promises. When we receive such words, it’s natural to feel eager and expect immediate fulfillment. However, we must understand that personal prophecies usually require a process,one that refines, prepares, and aligns us with God’s purpose.

The journey toward the fulfillment of personal prophecy often includes:

  • Preparation and Growth: God may be building character, refining faith, or equipping us with the skills needed for the promise to come to pass.
  • Alignment with God’s Will: Sometimes, we need time to align our desires and actions with God’s timing.
  • Testing and Strengthening: As we wait, our faith may be tested, and our trust in God strengthened.

2. Biblical Prophecy can only be understand if we apply Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpreting the Bible, helping us to discern what a passage means in its historical and cultural context, and what it means for us today. Biblical prophecies can often have layers of fulfillment. Some have already been fulfilled in history, while others may point to future events. To grow in discerning the timing of these prophecies, we should apply hermeneutical principles, which include:

  • Historical Context: Understanding the time, culture, and audience to whom the prophecy was originally given helps us see if and when it may have been fulfilled.
  • Literal and Symbolic Language: Recognizing the difference between literal and symbolic language in prophecy prevents misinterpretations. For example, some prophecies use symbolic imagery that points to spiritual truths rather than specific future events.
  • Consistency with Scripture: The Bible is consistent, and any interpretation of prophecy should align with the broader biblical narrative.

3. Prophecy must always be tested, and this testing should involve others

In 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21, believers are urged not to dismiss prophecies lightly but to “test everything and hold on to what is good.” This means we should approach every prophecy with both openness and discernment, evaluating its alignment with Scripture, its fruit, and its timing. Testing prophecy with others adds accountability and safeguards against personal biases or misunderstandings. When prophecies are evaluated collectively by trusted leaders or mature believers, it fosters a more balanced approach to discernment.

Time gaps we all fail at that, so Grace to the Prophets!