Prophetic Word 2025 and the season we are in (part 2)

Prophetic Word 2025 and the season we are in (part 2)

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The prophetic word has to do with clouds, wind, and rain. Yesterday, I began sharing something about clouds, explaining that they represent four things. I’ve already shared the first one, which is about the maturing of the five-fold ministry (see my previous post).

Now, I will share the remaining three.

1) Clouds as a symbol of the saints taking their place.

After the first cloud, which had the shape of a man’s hand, the sky filled with clouds. This is a powerful picture of the church as a whole, where many believers will take their place.

It also reflects what is often called the “Saints Movement.” Ministry is not reserved solely for the five-fold ministry; it is given to every saint (see Ephesians 4:12). We live in a time when many are rising up to fulfill their calling. This calling is not limited to the church context but extends to the world. After all, we are called to bring God’s Kingdom into every sphere of influence in this world.

Many have already served faithfully, labored and produce fruit, but we are now in a season where people will step into Greater Works, and some even into the Fullness of their calling.

As stated in Esther 4:14: “For we were born for such a time as this.”

Ultimately, we see the clouds grow into a downpour. Many have gone through a season of preparation in which they have received much. Now the time has come to give out.

Many will be poured out as a blessing to others, like an abundant rain refreshing parched ground. The time of waiting is over; now is the time to act and walk in greater measures.

What is the word for 2025? Don,t stay a Cloud but become the Rain!

No more holding back and no more excuses. Step in, step out, give birth, build, go, move forward—and of course, everything according to God’s will and God’s order!

The sky being filled with clouds is a picture of us and you! Many will step up and go to higher dimensions and take their place as never before. We together and you are the move of God in the earth for such a time as this.

2) Clouds as a Symbol of God’s Glory

In the Bible, clouds are often associated with the manifestation of God’s glory. In 2 Chronicles 5:13-14, we read how, during the dedication of the temple by Solomon, “the temple was filled with a cloud, the glory of the Lord, so that the priests could not perform their service.” This was a powerful expression of God’s presence, visible and tangible.

We live in a time when the manifestation of God’s glory will greatly increase. As the prophet Habakkuk declares:

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Just as in the days of Solomon, God’s presence will become so powerfully visible that the ordinary will seem impossible. Signs and wonders, healing”s, deliverance’s, and angelic visitations will greatly increase.

These manifestations of God’s glory will not only serve to strengthen the Church but also to lead many to repentance. The world will be drawn to the demonstration of God’s power and love, and many will come to Christ.

We live in a time when the Church is being invited to position and prepare for these new levels of glory, grace and anointing that the Father is releasing for such a time as this. This calls for a life of holiness, prayer, and expectation. Fasting is also an important key, and at this moment, many are engaging in it. Not only that, but there is also grace to do it.

Let us consecrate our hearts and hands to God so that we can move with Him in this unprecedented season of His glory. As Isaiah 60:1 says: “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

3) Clouds in the Bible as a Symbol of Judgment

Proverbs 10:25 says:
“When the storm-wind has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.”

In the Bible, clouds are not only associated with God’s presence and blessing but also with judgment. Nahum 1:3 states:
“The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of His feet.”

This shows that clouds can also signify God’s righteous actions in addressing sin.

Judgment in the Bible means that God intervenes justly to expose and punish evil while restoring His holiness and justice. It is intended to bring both correction and redemption. For God’s children, judgment is not merely something to fear but also a means of purification and restoration.

As 1 Peter 4:17 says:
“For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household.”

We live in a time when God is bringing things to light—both in the Church and in the world. This process of “exposure” is not a punishment but an opportunity for repentance and renewal. God reveals hidden things to enable healing, cleansing, and restoration (Luke 8:17).

How to Respond:

• Humility: Be willing to examine your own heart and remain accountable (Psalm 139:23-24).
• Grace: Approach others with love and a desire to restore, not to condemn (Galatians 6:1).
• Holiness: Use this season to align your life with God’s will and walk in obedience.

Judgment is an invitation to draw closer to God and to become a pure vessel for His work in this time.