Prophetic Word for 2025 and the Season that we are in (part 1)

Prophetic Word for 2025 and the Season that we are in (part 1)

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At the start of a new year, we always seek God to receive something characteristic of the year ahead. At the same time, we must understand that God doesn’t work primarily in years but rather in seasons. Therefore, the words we speak often overlap, deepen, or extend words that have already been spoken.

When God reveals or speaks something, He often provides biblical stories or scriptures to establish a biblical foundation for what we declare.
The Bible story I received from God is found in 1 Kings 18, where Elijah, after 3.5 years of drought, returns to release the rain because he had heard the sound of a heavy rainstorm. This sound has been discernible in the Spirit for some time, and now we have entered a season where we will see its manifestation as never before.

In 1 Kings 18:45, it is written:
“In a moment, the sky grew black with Clouds and Wind, and there was a heavy Rainstorm.”

These 3 words—Clouds, Wind, and Heavy Rain—are highly prophetic and will characterize the new year and the time we are living in. Yesterday I spoke about it in Eagles Nest and I have it in my heart to share this word in written form as well.
Since the word is quite long, I will do that in 4 parts.


Clouds in the Bible carry many meanings, and I want to focus on 4 of them.

1) Cloud as a symbol the 5 fold.

Clouds form from vapor rising from the sea and air, which then come together. In the Bible, the sea is often seen as a symbol of people and the church (see Isaiah 57:20 and Revelation 17:15). Therefore, clouds can be seen as a picture of the church being restored by God and taking its rightful place in the heavenly realms.

If we closely examine the story in 1 Kings 18, we see that the clouds began to form in two phases.

The first phase was a cloud as small as a man’s hand. This symbolizes the restoration of the five-fold ministry, which has taken place over the past decades. However, the time has now come for a deeper fulfillment of these ministries. God is bringing a greater revelation of the role of individual ministries and how they complement and should work together. This means the era of “lone ranger” ministries is over. The five-fold ministry will mature and function more effectively, equipping the body of Christ to take its place as God intended.

To see that all 5 ministries become more mature, they all need purification or an upgrade and that’s why there is a now word and wisdom that God speaks and release to every of the 5 offices.

APOSTLES must understand that their role is not about being the “Set Men” but about building a “Corporate Men.” The authority they have been given is not meant to control people in the natural realm but to create space in the spiritual realm, allowing every individual to take their rightful place within the body of Christ.

APOSTLES who misuse their authority to build personal kingdoms or live as celebrities will face judgment. Their influence will diminish, and many people connected to their ministries will grow in discernment, ultimately choosing to break away. At the same time, some will remain connected, and the saying “the blind leading the blind” is fitting in this context.

PROPHETS are highly gifted, but it is crucial for them not to use their gift to build their own ministry but to equip the body of Christ. We are living in a time when there is a call in the Spirit for all prophets to return to the local church or become part of apostolic centers and function from there in close relationship with apostles.

PROPHETS who misuse their gift for financial gain often struggle with impurity, and more exposure is coming. Do not follow Facebook prophets who are not connected to any body of believers. Church, do not be blind—grow in maturity and discernment!

PROPHETS: Many of you are not apostles because you do not have the fruit to show it, so stop calling yourselves that!

EVANGELISTS often have an extraordinary passion for reaching the lost, but they are not called to be “lone rangers.” In this season, God is calling evangelists back to partner with local churches, ensuring that new believers are not only brought to Christ but also integrated into the church community.

EVANGELISTS must learn to align their ministry with a broader Kingdom perspective, where salvation leads to discipleship and spiritual maturity. By working alongside local churches, evangelists strengthen the body of Christ and help sustain the fruit of their ministry.

EVANGELISTS also tend to believe that the sole focus should be on saving souls, but this is not the full picture. The church is also called to take its place in society and to have influence and impact in all spheres of influence, making disciples of all nations. Therefore, the church is called to have an impact on both Souls and Systems.

SHEPHERDS are known for their role as caregivers and protectors. Yet, God is calling them to go beyond maintaining comfort and security. Shepherds must embrace their role in guiding the flock toward growth and transformation, recognizing that the sheep need more than just milk—they also need solid food. By balancing love and patience with a willingness to challenge and inspire, shepherds are vital in bringing maturity among the people of God.

SHEPHERDS do not be overprotective or afraid to speak truth and correct when necessary!

We are also living in a time when we understand that the church is not built on the foundation of the shepherd but of the apostles and prophets. This does not mean that they are more important, but that what they carry is foundational and needed first. All other ministries build upon the foundation they lay. This foundation includes biblical doctrine, kingdom blueprints and church protocols.

TEACHERS are gifted with understanding Scripture and communicating its truths. However, this season calls for more than intellectual knowledge. Teachers must learn to depend on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, allowing their teaching to inspire transformation rather than just convey information. Teaching must bridge the gap between knowledge and practice, equipping believers to live out biblical truths in their daily lives. By relying on the Spirit, teachers ensure that their ministry not only informs but also transforms and empowers the body of Christ.

(When i speak on the wind I will explain that we are in the season of the rise and establishment of great and powerful Teaching Ministries)

Collaboration: The Key to Maturity and Unity

Each of the five-fold ministries has a unique role, but they are not meant to operate in isolation. God is calling apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers to work together in harmony. This requires humility, a servant-hearted attitude, and a commitment to learning from one another.

When these ministries complement and support each other, they create a powerful dynamic that strengthens the Church and advances the Kingdom. Together, they equip believers for works of service, building up the body of Christ until it reaches unity, maturity, and the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:12-13).